AL Trainer Certification

Those who wish to conduct IAALP accredited Accelerated Learning Practitioner certification programs must be certified as IAALP Trainers. The requirements are rigorous to ensure that the Practitioner certification programs are of the highest quality and value to those attending.

In the certification process, there is a focus both on developing the skills needed to design and facilitate the 120 hour program, and on the candidate's personal growth and development.

It is important that IAALP Trainers are able to be a guide, a coach and a facilitator for people from various industries and content areas with very diverse needs.


To become certified as an IAALP accredited trainer, someone who can offer accredited AL Practitioner certification programs, the following is required:

  1. Two years documented experience after completion of your Practitioner certification designing and facilitating a variety of programs using Accelerated Learning
  2. Observation and Assistance with an certified IAALP trainer in conducting a complete Practitioner Certification program.
  3. 200 documented hours of personal growth, personal development work.
  4. At least a practitioner certification in NLP or other form of humanistic psychology (Gestalt, Client Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers), the Solution Focus, Psychosynthesis, etc) or the equivalent in time spent mastery the concepts and skills.
  5. Reading or workshops in areas of human development, educational theories, positive psychology, or related areas that inform our practice
  6. Facilitation in a variety of diverse contexts (number of people, amount of time). These may include coaching, large group presentations, meeting facilitation, change management, process facilitation, small group workshops, multi-day programs, knowledge sharing sessions, etc.
  7. IAALP Practitioner and Master certification.
  8. You are a member in good standing. Join or renew here.
  9. You have paid your certification fee of $100. Please use the PayPal button.

Application Process

Please contact us when you are ready to start your certification process to become a certified IAALP Trainer. We will coach and advise you in the process, and we will put you in touch with those trainers currently conducting Practitioner Certification programs for your observation and assistance requirement.